Attention, Diabetics, are You Sick
and Tired of Being Sick and Tired?

Take a step toward a healthier you and discover how to Live Diabetes-Free!

Research is compiled by Dr. Reggie Chandra, Jenny Chandra, MD,
and a team of dedicated bioscience researchers.

Live Diabetes-Free!

Educate. Enhance. Empower.

The “Live Diabetes-Free!” plan is a carefully crafted set of resources, the culmination of years of research by qualified doctors and highly skilled researchers in the biosciences. Many new studies are conducted every year with regard to diabetes management and treatment, looking for better ways to address the growing diabetes problem. The “Live Diabetes-Free!” plan draws from volumes of research and lab studies to provide clear and concise direction for diet, exercise, and supplementation to make the journey to living diabetes-free as simple as possible.

Products made in the USA.​

The "Live Diabetes-Free!" Plan can start you on a path
of life transformation and bring you to a whole new level.

How Does It Work?

Changing your life to be able to live diabetes-free is probably easier than you think, but it does require planning, discipline, and commitment. In this guide, you will get access to knowledge that can assist you in changing your life for the better. This is not theory or some “pie in the sky” idea—it is down-to-earth, it is real, and it is for you.

Blood Sugar Problems

The most common problem surrounding diabetes is out-of-control blood sugar levels. Type 1 diabetics have to continually inject insulin into their bodies to help process the glucose created from what they eat. Type 2 diabetics usually have to take a blood sugar management medication to allow their bodies to accommodate the insulin they produce. Diabetes requires regular finger pricking to check glucose levels, regular blood tests, frequent doctor visits – basically, repeated interruptions of your life.

Elevated Insulin Resistance

Associated primarily with type 2, this symptom means that diabetics must constantly be aware of how their bodies react to the insulin in their bodies. The higher blood sugar rises, the more insulin the pancreas creates to deal with it. At a certain point, however, the body starts to reject the insulin and the glucose, because the cells are full. This creates elevated blood sugar and insulin levels in the bloodstream, which wreaks havoc on the body. Insulin resistance is the major cause of type 2 diabetes.

Nagging Inflammation

With elevated blood sugar and insulin resistance, the body becomes inflamed from the excess glucose and insulin. Inflammation causes swelling, pain and varying levels of discomfort—as well as many unseen problems and complications. Chronic inflammation often leads to stroke, heart attack, and worse. This inflammation affects extremities, eyes and kidneys, leading to further problems.

Learn how to reduce your need for diabetic
medications and stop lining Big Pharma's pockets.

Worry Less. Live More.

The average person with type 2 diabetes will spend at least $100 per month for testing supplies, at least $10 extra for basic medications, and hundreds of dollars for insurance and doctor visits. The better you manage diabetes, the less medication you need, which saves you money.

Lower Your Blood Sugar

The “Live Diabetes-Free!” plan will educate you about changing your diet to bring your blood sugar and A1c numbers down. Often this results in your needing less medication to do the same job… which is always good news for those dealing with diabetes.

Elevate Your Insulin Sensitivity

The “Live Diabetes-Free!” plan will show you diet, exercise and supplement strategies to improve your insulin sensitivity. Poor insulin sensitivity, known as insulin resistance, is the primary cause of type 2 diabetes. Increased insulin sensitivity allows your body to process blood sugar more efficiently, eliminating many of the metabolic syndrome symptoms that can lead to heart disease, stroke and diabetes.

Reduce Your Inflammation

The “Live Diabetes-Free!” plan will also show you how to leverage your diet and supplements to reduce inflammation in your body, which is a major cause of diabetes. Less inflammation means less pain, and often less medication. Inflammation has direct ties to metabolic syndrome symptoms as well.

Our Quality Promise

You can rest assured that every formula has met stringent requirements for both potency and purity—and that multiple quality and safety checks have been performed at every point, from raw ingredients to finished product.